About 14-62% of women in developing countries experience anemia during pregnancy. In addition to the risk of causing depression in the mother after giving birth, anemia during pregnancy can also adversely affect the fetus, such as premature birth or even death.
When a woman is pregnant, her body will naturally form more red blood cells to meet the fetus's oxygen and nutrition needs. The production of red blood cells and hemoglobin requires various components, such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. When the body does not have these ingredients in sufficient quantities, anemia can occur (deficiency of red blood cells).
Symptoms of anemia in pregnant women can be tired, tired, pale skin, palpitations, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, and fainting.
Danger of Anemia in Pregnant Women
The following are some of the dangers of anemia, both to the health and safety of a pregnant mother and her fetus:1. Postpartum depression
Postpartum depression is depression that is experienced by the mother after delivery. Having anemia during pregnancy can increase the risk of postpartum depression.2. Fatal risk if bleeding occurs during childbirth
If a pregnant woman experiences anemia during labor, it will jeopardize her safety when bleeding occurs. In addition, anemia can also make the body of pregnant women more difficult to fight infection.3. Babies born with low weight
Research shows that anemia during pregnancy is closely related to low birth weight babies, especially if anemia occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Babies are said to have a low birth weight if born with a weight of less than 2.5 kilograms. Babies born with this condition are more at risk of developing health problems than babies born with normal weight.4. Babies are born prematurely
Premature births are births that occur before the estimated date of delivery or before the 37th week of pregnancy. In addition to a number of health problems, babies born prematurely are also at risk of developing growth disorders. Research shows that anemia in the first trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of preterm labor.5. Babies are born with anemia
Anemia in pregnancy can cause babies to be born with anemia. This condition can increase the risk of babies experiencing health problems and growth and development disorders.6. Fetal death
Several studies have shown that anemia in pregnancy can increase the risk of fetal death before and after labor. To overcome anemia during pregnancy, you can increase your intake of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12, both in the form of supplements given by your doctor or in the form of food that you consume daily. Examples of foods that are rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, beans, chicken, and fish. To prevent anemia and overcome it as early as possible before giving rise to various dangers of anemia in pregnant women as mentioned above, pregnant women are advised to check themselves regularly to the obstetrician.- Dermaga Apung HDPE
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